August 04, 2020

America First Action Launches New Anti-Biden Ads In PA, WI and NC

Today America First Action PAC will begin airing new television advertisements in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Wisconsin taking aim at Joe Biden’s disastrous economic proposals. The ads will start airing on broadcast television this evening.

Biden's promise to ban fracking would decimate hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians jobs. A Democrat and union man gives his testimonial. In North Carolina and Wisconsin, the ads feature Biden’s tax proposal, which will increase taxes, reduce the economy’s size by 1.51 percent and lead to 585,000 fewer full-time equivalent jobs. 

On Fracking:

Joe Biden pledged that he would “sacrifice” Pennsylvania’s energy jobs and promised that there would be no new fracking in a Biden administration. He also guaranteed he would “end fossil fuel.” One recent study found a fracking ban would take $261 billion out of Pennsylvania’s economy, cripple household income by $114 billion, raise over $4,000 in costs on Pennsylvania families, and kill 609,000 jobs.

It doesn’t stop there, Joe Biden has pledged to raise taxes on working Americans by $4 trillion, but the cost of his radical agenda would likely total over $10 trillion. President Trump, however, recognizes that American energy will help drive our economic comeback and he will always fight to protect Pennsylvania’s workers.

America is beginning to make a comeback after the coronavirus shut down our country. Joe Biden oversaw the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression and his decades-long career in Washington, DC is largely comprised of failures. Biden’s embrace of the radical left’s climate agenda means no fracking jobs in Pennsylvania are safe.

Pennsylvania: “Granted”

SHAWN, UNION MAN DEMOCRAT: I’m a proud union man, I’m a Democrat and I do not support Joe Biden. I’m sick and tired of being taken for granted. Joe Biden’s ban on fracking would put me and everybody I know out of work. Crap trade deals, and now this? Give me a break, we’re not asking for much, but Joe Biden-- he’s a disaster.  

On Taxes:

Joe Biden’s plan is to hike taxes and massively increase the size of government. Within just the last month, Biden has proposed more than $3.4 trillion in new taxes and spending. Biden says he would hike taxes by more than $4 trillion to pay for these plans, smothering the economy in the middle of a comeback. All together, Biden’s campaign is proposing nearly $6 trillion in spending, with the likely total over $10 trillion according to independent estimates. His tax plan is more than double what Hillary Clinton proposed. Hardworking Americans can’t afford Joe Biden’s America.

Wisconsin: "Too Risky"

NARRATOR: Sometimes politicians accidentally tell the truth.

JOE BIDEN: “If you elect me…. your taxes are going to be raised not cut.”

NARRATOR: And it's true. The New York Times says Biden’s tax increases are more than double Hillary Clinton’s plan. Even the Tax Policy Center admits taxes would increase on all income groups.

JOE BIDEN: “If you elect me…your taxes are going to be raised, not cut.”

NARRATOR: The bottom line is big tax increases.

JOE BIDEN: “It could go higher.”

North Carolina: “Too Risky”

NARRATOR: Sometimes politicians accidentally tell the truth.

JOE BIDEN: “If you elect me…. your taxes are going to be raised not cut.”

NARRATOR: And it's true. The New York Times says Biden’s tax increases are more than double Hillary Clinton’s plan. Even the Tax Policy Center admits taxes would increase on all income groups.

JOE BIDEN: “If you elect me…your taxes are going to be raised, not cut.”

NARRATOR: Big tax increases crushing our recovery.

JOE BIDEN: “It could go higher.”